Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Does anybody know HTML widget for referral program that i can integrate with my website?

Hello there,
I am webmaster/owner of website that gives all people opportunity to work and earn from home.
I would to integrate referral system on my website but only way for me to do that is via embed code.
Does anybody know some website that will help me about it?
Actually I only know one but it is too expensive for my budget even if have everything that i need

Concretely, I need these features:

  1. Only those visitors who enter their email can participate in contest in order to get their stats in that program (for my website sign up is not required)

for example: screenshot

  1. If they bring visitor with their link, I need that appear in weekly contest table that I can also integrate on website

for example: screenshot

So I need those things. All suggestion will be greatly appreciated. Thank You!

submitted by /u/Idjosko84
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* This article was originally published here

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